School Picture Proofs went home with your child on 10/22/24. If you want to place an order for pictures and avoid shipping charges, you need to order through the Quatse Photography website by this Saturday, 10/26/24. All orders placed by […]
DHS SUN Bucks Resources: 1. DHS SUN Bucks website: 2. Eligibility Navigator – a tool on the DHS SUN Bucks website that allows families to determine if their child is automatically eligible for SUN Bucks and whether they need […]
Summer EBT/SUN Bucks Benefit Family Letter What is Summer EBT/SUN Bucks: A new program called Summer EBT, or “SUN Bucks,” has been authorized by a bipartisan U.S. Congress to provide food dollars to low-income families with school-aged children over the […]
The faculty parking lot is for faculty only! We have a limited amount of parking spaces and too many faculty members to fill them unless used wisely. It is not to be used for student pickups and drop offs between […]
In case of emergency where we would have to evacuate the buildings, we have made arrangements with Jarvie Funeral Home while Harmar House is being repaired from a recent fire. All cell phones would be turned on and accessible for […]
The free / reduced, breakfast / lunch app for 2023-24 is now on this website under DOWNLOADS. In addition, there is a letter regarding our program and the directions for filling out the application. […]
This is a reminder that all lunch payments must be made separately from tuition & enrollment payments. They are two separate accounts. Thank you! For both, though, write checks to CCA. […]
The Pennsylvania Department of Education, Division of Food and Nutrition (PDE, DFN) is excited to announce that beginning School Year 2023-2034, the USDA has selected Pennsylvania to expand the Direct Certification for Demonstration project for Households receiving Medicaid, to include […]
Effective October 1, 2022, PA will increase the income threshold for all applicants from 160 percent to 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines. With this change, it is anticipated that approximately 174,000 households will be newly eligible for […] is a nonprofit website that offers the location and contact information of more than 40,000 food pantries and similar food programs across the country. Other food assistance sites include: and […]